The Old Cooker

The Old Cooker

Too much of a good thing

Like so many other people I am always looking for a bargain. So it is tempting to buy the large food service sizes at Costco because the cost-per-ounce may be less, or it may be more convenient.

Sometimes that's not always the best idea.

Consider Frank's Red Hot sauce.  I don't often have reason to buy the gallon size but I have been buying the 8 oz bottles. I noticed recently that this is one product that does not have a very long shelf-life.  By the time the bottle was 3/4 empty it didn't look anything at all like it should, and worse, it didn't have any of that unique complex flavor Frank's is known for.

Not only was the rest of the bottle wasted but the last several things I used it in didn't taste anything like what they should.

Unless you are making large batches of Buffalo Wings or something similar frequently, for most recipes a few drops is all that's required.

So I changed my habits and I'm now buying the smallest bottle available, which is 2 oz, unless I am specifically planning to make something that requires a large quantity. The taste difference between opening a fresh bottle and one that is even a few weeks old is night and day. And the cost-per-ounce difference is negligible if you consider you might be throwing away part of the product anyway.


"It seems, in fact, as though the second half of a person's life is made up of nothing but the habits they have accumulated during the first half"

- Fyodor Dostoevsky

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